
The stories in this blog are first draft stories with minimal editing, sort of like a practice blog.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

A five minute story

She sits by the window, watching the game across the street. The lads are energetic, playing like an Arsenal scout is watching. She shakes her head at their enthusiasm, "life will drain you soon enough" she mutters.

Suddenly Kola's mother rushes into the field, drags the him by his shorts and pulls him out in a flurry of angry words. She can't hear the words, she imagines he had abandoned his house chores and his mother like an avenging angel swooped into the field to deal with him. Smiling at  her train of thought, she starts to stand, a movement in the corner of her left eye holds her gaze and a sound resembling a scream escapes her lips.

The lorry roars past, Kola's mother rolls on the floor, probably offering prayers of thanksgiving. Even as she rolls she holds her son's hand, while he sobs. Of course a crowd was formed! Everyone visibly shaken by the might have been. She stands up, dusts herself and pulls her sobbing son, the crowd parts and watched her take her son back to the field, "I will never prevent you from playing football as long as I live" she says and leaves the boy dazed.

Our window watcher smiles through her tears, she hears her husband calling for her, he probably misplaced his car keys again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adaeze,

    I found my way back to your other blog and I am so glad that I did.

    This was so heartwarming, short but the emotions were deep.

    @ "I will never prevent you from playing football as long as I live" Life teaches us split-second lessons... :-)


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